Monday, 26 August 2019

Time action selfie

Today I was learning to use the new timer on the camera.
I enjoyed doing the screencastify and making the whole thing.
I found it challenging to find the image.
My digital learning object shows that I can use the camera properly and get background images.
Next time I would change what time I chose, maybe stone age.

Monday, 19 August 2019

Maths Quiz

Today I was learning to make maths quizzes 
I enjoyed everything about it
I found it challenging to find out the answers
My digital learning object shows that we were learning to make maths quizzes by linking slides
Next time I would change my type of maths   

Monday, 5 August 2019

Action Selfie

Today I was learning to use the camera to take an action selfie use remove back ground and the web cam.
I enjoyed making the blog post finding the soccer field and ball and taking the Action Selfie.
I found it challenging to remember all the instructions and take the action selfie.
My digital learning object shows that i can use keyboard shortcuts,remove,background and i can find the pictures that i need to make the slide
Next time I would change where the ball is

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Haast's Eagle

I liked working with my buddy and writing down the information.
I found it hard to find some information.
I enjoyed creating and doing the slide.