Thursday, 18 November 2021

My Slides On Jean Batten


Today I used google Slides to show what I have learned about Jean Batten.

The most interesting thing that I found out was that Jean Batten got her licenses and starting flying at such a young age because it was here dream to fly planes.

I think that Jean Batten was brave for flying those old unsafe planes and suffering through all that loneliness to go to all the places that she wanted and break records.

Friday, 12 November 2021

My NZ Inventors Slide

 In our reading group, our learning has focussed on New Zealand innovators and inventors.

I chose to learn about the amphibious boat because it was interesting to me because I had not heard of an amphibious boat before.

I found out that the amphibious boat can drive on land and in the sea and a guy called Maurice Bryham invented the amphibious boat.